Simple Ways to Make the Holidays More Green
Reusing and refurbishing old items in our house-hold can be a simple and enjoyable method to adopt this holiday season. We at Youngs Insurance have compiled a few tips and tricks to be greener and eco-friendly this Christmas season. From customizing the perfect house and auto insurance plans to having a greener lifestyle, we have solutions for all kinds of problems.
As a part of our Acts of Kindness campaign, we executed a recycling program in our Youngs Insurance offices. We believe it’s essential to help spread mindfulness concerning how to be greener this Christmas season.
Three Holiday Staples and How to Make them Green
#1 Lighting
With regards to choosing holiday lighting, be sure to pick eco-friendly choices, using LED lights fundamentally consumes less energy. This is an efficient way to keep your home green this Christmas season. In addition to the fact that this is a win-win for the environment as well as your electricity bill.
Connect with us at Youngs to apply for your beautiful house with a home product insurance and be assured for a secured family celebration.
#2 Gifts
Be careful about the gifts you give! Select gifts in a manner which encourage green habits. You can gift wrap experiences, offering donations, gifts, or other non-tangible gifts, for example, a tree or star in their name.
When you have chosen the gifts, always opt for the most viable wrappers. Keep in mind, any wrapping paper with prints and designs on them contain a wax film that doesn’t permit them and hence it is very difficult to recycle them. In case you already have a wrapping paper at home, then use it before you go to buy a new one. It is advised to restrict the number of gifts you buy online as there is an excess waste of materials that comes with online shopping.
Connect with us at Young’s to perhaps gift home and auto insurance services to your loved ones! A unique gift for uniquely your people.
#3 Decorations
Decorations are an important element in bringing out the best in the festive season especially with the bright and colorful embellishments that we can put up all around the house. However, these embellishments are made of bad plastics and other non-recyclable materials. A better way to save and reuse is to be inventive and use what you already use rather than buying new ones every year. Start recycling and reusing old decorations instead of constantly buying new ones from the store. Practising these green propensities will make for an eco-friendly Christmas season. We have challenged ourselves to get greener by reusing, and we urge you to do the same!