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Prevent Break-ins: What You Should Never Leave in Your Car

16 Jan

Prevent Break-ins: What You Should Never Leave in Your Car

It may seem harmless to leave items in your car in plain sight, especially if you’ll only be gone for a short time. However, thieves know what to look for and break-ins can happen in an instant. When it comes to preventing car break-ins, there are a couple of things you can do to help mitigate thieves from gaining access to your valuable possessions.

Five Items you should never leave in your car.

#1 Backpacks and Purses

It seems obvious not to leave backpacks and purses unattended in your car, but people still do it. Thieves know they are bound to find something inside such as money, credit cards, cell phone or a laptop. Even if the purse is empty, hide it in the trunk to prevent your window from being broken by nosy thieves.

#2 Shopping Bags

Leaving shopping bags in the back seat of your car while you run into do your groceries seems harmless, but they are very attractive to thieves.  Even small purchases can be tempting to thieves looking to make quick cash. Do yourself a favour and store all bags in the trunk and out of sight

#3 Cell phones and other Electronics

Never leave your electronics in your car – they are expensive to replace but you also run the risk of having your personal information compromised. Keep everything password protected and out of sight by hiding them in the glove box or trunk. Better yet, always keep your electronics with you.

#4 Medication

Prescription Medication can be very inviting to thieves who may have substance abuse issues. Never leave your medication in plain sight.

#5 Important Documents and personal Information

Any documents with your personal information on them should never be left visible in the car. For example, your passport contains extremely personal information and is very enticing to thieves who are looking to steal your identity.

Don’t give thieves a reason to break into your car! Protect your car and your belongings by always hiding important documents and never leaving your items in plain sight. We hope you found these tips helpful!

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